Good Morning Muskies!
CAPE Parent Meeting Tonight, Jan. 27 @ 5:30PM: Calling ALL MHS Parents!!
CAPE – IT’S TIME TO START PLANNING! Putting on a fantastic After-Prom event takes a ton of work – but is broken down into several committees that each do a small portion of the work. The more parents we have, the better the event will be. So join us on Monday, January 27th at 5:30pm on the Learning Stairs next to the Commons to kick things off. Learn about the committees (Decorations, Communication, Large Prizes, Small Prizes, Games, Volunteers, Food, Donations), pick the committee you want to help with, and decide how much you want to help. CAPE MHS’s CARNIVAL AFTER PROM EXTRAVAGANZA!
For more information email Karen at
Below is the link for today’s announcements.
MHS Announcements – January 27, 2025
Make It A Great Day!
Go Muskies!