Our School
Our SchoolMuscatine School is a four-year comprehensive high school serving approximately 1500 students. The Muscatine High School campus opened to students in 1974. Since then, many of the academic areas and facilities of the high school have been renovated with structural and technological updates creating a state-of-the-art facility.
The campus consists of an air-conditioned high school complex which is highlighted by a beautiful campus with a greenhouse, a spacious library/media center, computer labs for each department, mounted overhead projectors in more than half of the rooms, and a Fine Arts wing including a 600 seat auditorium/theatre. Students also may take concurrent classes at the Muscatine Community College campus and the multi-million dollar Muscatine Ag Center. The athletic and activity facilities rank up in quality with the best in the State of Iowa.
Instructional Staff
The Muscatine High School certified instructional staff consists of 92 teachers, 5 Instructional Coaches, and 77 non-certified staff members. Five counselors support the staff. The administrative team consists of the building principal, Ryan Castle, three assistant principals, Morgan Mohr, Andy Werling, Rachel Cuppy, and the Athletic/Activity Director, Mike Henson.
Percentage of Instructional Staff that has a Master’s Degree
12.5 years
Average years of total teaching experience